Starting from Scratch…
Mozzie Cozzie - sustainable shapeshifting jumpsuits with accessories for protection from insects that bite.
World Mosquito Day is looming on the horizon this month and we are at the very start of our journey with Mozzie Cozzie.
From our picture here, you’ll see we both go together so well:
We both have a slender segmented body, one pair of wings, one pair of halteres (what is that?!), three pairs of long hair-like legs, and elongated mouthparts!
As a brand, we don’t just create clothing to help you ward off mosquitoes, we also help raise awareness of the dangers of the viruses and diseases mosquitoes transmit.
No one does this in more detail each year than the London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine - they bring together the world’s voices from science to share on the latest research and developments to help alleviate human suffering. If you have an interest in global collaborations, we encourage you to take a listen to their latest broadcast on 20th August which will be posted on their website.
Mosquitoes are indeed a remarkable topic to study and learn.
We didn’t know until we looked it up: the halteres, a club shaped organ provides information about body rotations during flight (don’t you wish you could do that?!)
For those who live in Scotland, maybe there’s a new way to receive your Midge Mozzie Cozzie this summer. This week some drones set off to deliver post in Scotland - probably with a form of halteres. Remarkable, but expensive and only a 3-month trial with Royal Mail, paid for by The Department of Transport.
Preventing biting insects can also turn out to be expensive too.
Expensive to our pocket.
We end up forking out for various sprays, creams, medicines and bits of ‘innovative’ plastic to ward them off - usually at the expense of our environment.
And insect bites can also be expensive to our health.
We’ve sourced a 5-minute read About Mosquito-Borne Diseases - the latest report from the US, including how to know if you’ve caught Malaria, Dengue, Zika or West Nile Virus.
(And no, when it comes to covering up, it doesn’t matter what colour clothes you wear).
Mozzie Cozzie’s got you covered for insects that bite!
No need to drone on about it - we wear and we repair and we care about your health as well and your environment.
PACK Mozzie Cozzie - Protective, Adaptive, Comfortable, Kind and BZzing to serve you!
Royal Mail delivery - it's snail mail, it's local and trackable for your Mozzie Cozzie UK dispatch.