Still Tweeting Yourself?

The Lilac Breasted Roller Bird, Tundra climates.

Kaleidoscopic right?

Discovering this bird made me reflect on human attempts to resonate with colour…

London Fashion Week dropped last quarter, leaving some of us open mouthed for different reasons. It landed, it fluffed feathers and is now perhaps just an ephemeral memory.

Like our bird, maybe it just simply caught our eye and we looked behind to watch it shimmer.

Lots of chattering went on about it and perhaps a fair bit of treating?

Do we still need to purchase colothing and colours for every quarter season?

Like the joy of a window shop, we can chose to take inspiration from looking and from contemplating the feelings that colours and textures bring.

We wonder what our favourite Tundra bird would think about it all when he has such a fluffy and amazing coat of so many colours every single day and barely anyone knows of it!

At Mozzie Cozzie we’re inspired by colour and texture.

By Nature.

By collective human effort.

Our products are colourful on purpose and they fade beautifully with time rather due to the need to constantly wash them. We use TENCEL™, a certified cellulose fiber which is naturally breathable and antibacterial.

It is also known as vegan silk and twice as soft as cotton. It feels so soft and is kind to human skin.

We’re smitten with it all.

Last month we attended the London Design Fair. We rolled around in texture and dunked ourselves in colour. We goggled at amazing designs from human collaborators sharing together what is in their hearts. It seems the era of working in isolated genius silos has faded to grey.

There are plenty of free colour guides out there so you can preen your feathers next season, maybe use them to resist the need to buy more? We all have reasons not to buy, buy, buy - perhaps you want to see what you can do with what you already have? Maybe you simply can’t because of austerity. You won’t for the sake of Net Zero or you just need it to all stop for a hiatus and refocus your mental and physical state?

Ruffled for warmth or aerated for coolness? You can still dress in clothes of many colours - see what goes with what, layer what you already have and still feel good out there!

Don’t forget to match your eye colour - the latest research shows we’ve definately done our homework…!

Mozzie Cozzie - love the outdoors. Life's Fantastic outside!

Mozzie Cozzie says, Life is fantastic - get outside!

Lavender is a form of natural insect repellent and so are we! Cover up, cherish your skin - mosquitoes are becoming resistant to Deet.

Mozzie Cozzie says lavender is a form of natural insect repellent - so are we! Don't be fooled with synthetics, mosquitoes are becoming resistant to Deet.


Did Halloween scare you?…


Tick Tock